Press Room

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CFO Stories | Wayne Spivak, CFO, SBA * Consulting“, Finance Alliance July 18, 2023

eBook Contributor – “Journey to CFO, Your Roadmap to the C-Suite for the Finance Alliance“, June 2023

Webinar – Corporate Finance Brief
Webinar for Corporate Finance Brief April 6th, 2023 9:30am PST/ 12:30pm EST  
Putting the “Tech” in Spend Management

April 6, 2023
Infographic based on research by Wayne Spivak on
CFO Checklist: How to Mitigate Single Bank Failure Risk

March 2023
Silicon Valley Bank Collapse Puts CFOs on Notice
Written by Vincent Ryan and Wayne Spivak , March 12, 2023,

Feb 2023
Judge for the HealthTech Challenge, MassChallenge


December 14th, 2022 
Lecture for Sutton Capital on Statement of Cash Flows vs Cash Flow Statement on YouTube – Cash_FLow_Ex_XLS  PowerPoint

Appointed: June 2022

Ithaca College Advisory Board

Wayne Spivak, President of SBA * Consulting LTD was appointed a member of the Advisory Board for the Customer Experience Program at Ithaca College

April 26th, 2022
“Impact of Mid-Market CFO Office Automation on Employee Engagement” – High Radius’ Radiance2022 Speaker/Panelist,  (Agenda) (Video)

April 14th, 2022
“Uncovering the ideal plan for building a world-class CFOs office” (Audio only) (Video)
High Radius’ The Mid-Market CFO Circle

April 2022
Episode 11: The science of forecasting: A calculated approach to avoid risks
The Mid-Market CFO Circle by High Radius, 

April/May 2022
Judge for the Early Stage 2022 Round 1 Judging of the MassChallenge 


Back to the Basics, April 3rd, 2017


“PROCESS IMPROVEMENT: Improving Reconciliation and Accrual in the Monthly Close”
Institute of Finance & Management “Controllers Report, June 2015, Page 11

“If You Spot Fraud: Handle It In-House or Call the Cops?”
by David McCann, CFO.Com April 24, 2015


“Keep Spending Under Control in Good Times”
Institute of Finance & Management “Controllers Report, July 2014, Page 11

Feature quote in “Why Nokiaâs Collapse Should Scare Apple” by by Patrick Barwise and Sean Meehan. Creating a Customer-Centered Organization, A Harvard Business Review Insight Center Report, originally published 2011 Page 24


Are you a Cyber Victim?

SBA * Consulting LTD chooses First Fidelity Brokerage
to provide Insurance & Risk Consultative Services

SBA * Consulting LTD Survives Sandy (barely);
Seeking to assist businesses with mitigation and recovery


SBA * Consulting Enters The Mining Industry Providing Supply Chain Management

SBA * Consulting Leads The Way To Growth With Gap Analysis

SBA * Consulting Expands Mission and Service Offerings

SBA * Consulting LTD announces it’s entry into Supply Chain Consulting

CFO’s are now driving top line revenues, and SBA * Consulting is leading the pack

SBA * Consulting announces its Due Diligence Service for
Merger & Acquisition Candidates

SBA * Consulting LTD announces its Real Estate Relocation Services

Your Virtual CFO LLC and SBA * Consulting LTD have entered into a Joint Venture

SBA * Consulting LTD announces new best practice service for
Accounting/ERP/CRM System purchase

GreenPoint Global and SBA * Consulting Enter Partnership to Serve Small
and Medium Emerging Businesses

Financial Trouble, need a Turnaround Expertise, Contact SBA * Consulting


SBA * Consulting announces the opening of new offices and major staff appointments8-23-2011

SBA * Consulting, LTD uses Paper.LI to access marketplace 3-31-2011

SBA * Consulting, LTD Re-Focuses Business Model to Part-time Chief Financial Officer Services3-28-2011